THE ORIGINS OF "S & M" (sadomasochism) are embedded in the ancient world of eroticism. However, S & M in 2011 has a different connotation especially as it is denoted in pop culture.
Case and point - below here is Rihanna's 2011 video of her release for "S & M". If you recall, Rihanna is the artist whose boyfriend (fellow artist, Chris Brown) was charged with assault a few years ago. The media took a hold of photos of her bruised face and splashed them everywhere - so much so,that we almost forgot what she really looked like - all we could see was that bruised face. So was it assault? Maybe. I don't know - 'coz I wasn't there. But, when you have a kinky streak to your persona (as indeed, Rihanna does...) it becomes difficult to determine whether what happened to her was a private BDSM game that went wrong, where the lines were crossed and things got our of hand for these two young lovers. Speaking for myself, I know what that is like. I know how important it is to be clear with your partner if you decide to play some erotic games together. But even more important than being clear with your partner, is choosing the right partner - one that you TRUST implicitly.
HOWEVER, As kinky as I can be, I guarantee you that if I had been traumatized about a domestic abuse situation (one made public, no less), whether it is experienced as direct domestic abuse or one that developed from consensual BDSM games, I doubt I would go on to participate in a performance like the one Rihanna gives below in her video..... So as much as I like this pop-star's creative take on S & M, it is still just that - a pop culture's take on a misunderstood form of extreme BDSM erotica.
"Sticks and stones may break my bones but chains and whips excite me". Hmmm...